About Us
Why choose Milnthorpe Primary School?

We are all very proud of our school and would love to show you why we think it is so special. If you would like to visit school, please phone the school office on 015395 62344 to make an individual appointment with the headteacher, Andrew Hyde.
About Our School
Milnthorpe Primary School is a community primary school serving Milnthorpe and the surrounding areas. We cater for children from the age of three (in our Nursery class) until they transfer to high school at the age of eleven. The 177 children are organised into single age classes from Nursery to Year 6.
We are well-equipped with extensive grounds providing opportunities for outdoor learning and sports.
We have:
- Extensive grounds, including a football pitch, wild areas, an outdoor
classroom and a range of fixed fitness equipment - A large, secure outdoor play area for the younger pupils which enables the children to be physically challenged whilst developing independent play
- A separate Reception class to give the children the very best start to their education
- Standards in English and Mathematics at the end of Key Stage 2 which are above national averages
- High quality wrap around care provided onsite by Joeys from 7.45am to 6.00pm, 50 weeks of the year
- Friendly, approachable and dedicated staff
- A stimulating and exciting curriculum where the focus is on 'hands-on' learning
- Provision for children who are working at greater depth within the curriculum and children with special educational needs
School meals are ordered and paid for online, in advance, via Orian Lunch Shop. Nutritious balanced meals are made in our own school kitchen.
3 year olds begin their Nursery Education in the Foundation Stage Unit, then in the September after their 4th birthday, they begin full-time education in the Reception Year and move into a classroom of their own.
Our school is a place where children are cared for, encouraged and respected. We aim to enable every child to reach his or her full potential in an atmosphere where they feel supported and valued.