
As well as learning through play and child initiated activities, the children also work closely with the teachers through adult directed activities. We introduce new skills to build on, and teach the children new learning, facts and vocabulary across a range of subjects. The most important factor is creating an exciting and engaging curriculum and fostering a love for learning. An attitude we see in all the children as they embark on their journey through school.

Most of all we encourage and support children to become confident and independent learners. We work to build strong partnerships with parents so that we can develop every child’s education together.
Welcome to Reception's class page!
In Reception we continue all the excellent learning that has already started in our Nursery. The Reception team is led by Mr Barr, working alongside Mrs Tanton.
Through play, and with the support of the teachers in class, children explore and discover ideas, skills and concepts. The children are encouraged to be problem solvers, building on knowledge, and thinking of fabulous new ways to do things!

We have lots of different areas, both indoor and outdoor, that we can explore, and the children like to motivate themselves with our weekly 'Rainbow challenges'. We have very high expectations and strive to meet the 'Early Learning Goals'. This includes writing super sentences, learning our numbers, counting and reading books. We have daily phonics sessions where we follow 'Letters and Sounds' to support our learning too.

We pride ourselves in being able to offer a happy and positive learning experience, where all children feel nurtured and supported...and have lots of fun learning together!