Year 1
Mrs Jackson
Phonics - Monster Phonics
Monster Phonics is a highly-engaging, structured, synthetic phonics programme. It accelerates learning by allowing children to learn new graphemes by using monsters to group graphemes for recall and to provide an easy and fun memory cue for children. It also uses colour-coding to highlight the grapheme when teaching a new grapheme. Once taught and secure, the colour is removed. Multisensory focused teaching improves learning. Children love Monster Phonics. The high engagement and interest created by the programme further supports learning.

In year 1, children learn the key skills that form the basis of their English education, including reading, writing and spelling. Here at Milnthorpe, year 1 use a book based approach to English, where most of our work is linked to a focus text. We cover a range of writing genres, from poetry to report writing. The chidlren learn through hands-on, practical lessons which build upon their previous learning experiences. We promote and encourage a high standard of writing across all of our subjects, not just in English.
Reading Spine
In year 1 we love story time! We gather round at the end of the day and celebrate our passion and love for books and reading. We have created a reading spine, containing a range of books that we share. We have these books displayed in the classroom so that the chidlren can help choose and then find the book in the special basket.
The chidlren in year 1 really enjoy exploring a range of mathematical concepts. We use White Rose and Primary Stars to deliver fun, engaging, hands-on maths lessons.
Foundation Subjects
We love foundation subjects! The children enjoy a range of topics, themes and subjects and they can't wait to get stuck in. From creating digital media in computing, to making moving pictures in design technology! Please see our yearly overview for a full breakdown of our foundation subjects and curriculum coverage.