Welcome to Milnthorpe Nursery!
We offer Nursery sessions every weekday morning from 8.45-11.45am, afternoon sessions from 12.15pm-3.15pm and also a half hour lunch option in between. We believe in hands- on, interactive learning which builds on children's interests and prior knowledge. Nursery children complete weekly learning challenges through a mixture of adult-led and child-initiated activities.
Nursery children are taught by a qualified teacher, Mrs Bell and supported by a teaching assistant, Mrs Lambert. We also frequently have additional adult support from students, parents and volunteers who all contribute to our wonderful learning opportunities.
Nursery has a large indoor and outdoor space with free-flow access for the children throughout the sessions, come rain or shine! Our provision areas are changed regularly to link to children's interests and topics.
The children frequently visit main school and are included in all of our events. Transition to school is planned carefully so that children feel settled and excited for their move to big school!

Follow us on Instagram @milnthorpeprimaryschooleyfs

Session Times
Morning session: 8:45am—11:45am
Lunch 11.45am-12.15pm (£2.40 for a school lunch)
Afternoon session: 12.15pm-3.15pm
*Once you have used your 15/30 hour allocation, further sessions are payable at £5.50 per hour*
Our school nursery sessions are term time only.

All of our staff are fully qualified and the nursery class is taught by a qualified teacher.
- Nursery Teacher Nicola Bell
- Teaching Assistant Vicky Lambert