Cumbria Alliance of System Leaders
An Alliance of Alliances to 'Lead Beyond Authority'
With a shared sense of moral purpose, we seek the best learning opportunities for all children and young people. The Partnership of System Leaders in Cumbria will recognise and draw upon existing good to outstanding practice and use this expertise to work towards good and outstanding learning for pupils and adults alike.
To form a distributed, self-improving system designed to:
- undertake a systematic analysis and assessment of the learning needs of schools and localities.
- Co-ordinate school to school support in partnership with the LA, NationalCollege and other school improvement agencies.
- Develop leadership potential and succession planning at all levels from Initial Teacher Education to System Leadership and associated continued professional development.
As a school, we have committed to actively participate in the work of CASL and LASL South.
South Lakes Rural Partnership
Vision and Objectives
By working together we will enhance the educational opportunities and experience of young people in the South Lakes Rural Partnership by:
- Furthering high quality school improvement.
- Raising achievement and access for all.
- Driving high aspirations through continuous professional development.
Development Plan Objectives
- Build on our climate of trust and cooperation within which the quality of education can be enhanced.
- Improve the experience and outcomes of everyone in our partnership of schools.
- Identify joint priorities and share our educational experience and expertise openly for the benefit of all learners and staff.
- Seek and provide best value services and provision for the benefit of learners.
- Make use of the experience and expertise within the partnership to provide support for school leaders in a variety of situations.
- Ensure the needs and contribution of smaller schools are understood and incorporated into partnership activity.