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School Visits

Here at Milnthorpe Primary School, we invest heavily in providing experiences for our children, beyond the classroom.

Your child can expect to attend a wide variety of trip and visits from Buddhist Temples to Half Moon Bay, from Heaves Farm to London!

These experiences all come at a cost and where possible, the school will subsidise the trips. We are also supported by the PTA. However, the bulk of the cost is down to you, as parents.

I have compiled a list of the more expensive trips, to give you an idea of cost and to help you prepare for what is to come. 

Obviously, this is an approximate guide; price, location and trip content may alter as time goes on. Changes will only be made to improve the children's experience and we will give you as much notice as possible.

If at any time, you are experiencing financial difficulties, please come to school and talk to Mr Hyde - his door is always open.

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