
Below is information regarding uniform. This has been agreed by the Governing Body:
All children at Milnthorpe wear school uniform that is royal blue. Some items are available from school and are listed below with their cost. Those items not costed are easily available from reputable retail outlets.
Parents may choose from the following:
Priced Items from We Love Logos
- Royal blue sweatshirt (available from school from £11.50)
Royal blue cardigan (available from school from £12.50)
White polo shirt (available from school from £8.50)
Royal blue fleece (available from school from £14.00)
Royal blue waterproof jacket with fleece inner (available from school from £18.50)
PE kits including a bag (available from school from £13.00)
Grey/navy skirt or pinafore
Grey/navy trousers or shorts
White, grey or navy socks or tights
Blue gingham dress (summer wear)
We order and distribute uniforms from a company who pre-print them with the school logo.
Please ask at the school office if you aren't sure about the size you need - be aware that it is the responsibility of parents/carers that the correct sizes are ordered, as exchanges or refunds are not possible. This is a non profit making venture.
Sports and games
Each child should have THEIR OWN:
- P.E bag, which should be clearly named
- coloured T-shirt, appropriate to house team (green, blue, red or yellow) and royal or navy blue shorts
- pair of trainers, not pumps
During cold weather, the wearing of navy blue track-suits is recommended.
Shoes must be of a sensible style of black or brown leather with a rubber sole for grip in the playground. Plain leather sandals may be worn in summer. Trainers are not acceptable for general school wear.
Only a wristwatch and simple, small stud earrings are allowed. If you feel that your child should have their ears pierced, please have it done at the beginning of the summer holidays to avoid the trouble of removal for P.E.
Please do not send your child to school with beads or other items woven into their hair. Soft bands are the most effective form of hair control and do not restrict children's movement during P.E.
All clothing must give a neat, clean appearance and the school will regularly review standards.
Whilst a child's appearance and behaviour outside school premises are not under the school's direct jurisdiction, it is hoped that parents will fully support and co-operate with the school in any measures taken to ensure that high standards are maintained by the children on the way to and from school.
Other Items of Uniform
Other items of uniform that can also be ordered are:
- all weather suit (available from school from £14.00)
- knitted hat (available from school £5.50)
- hooded sweatshirt for P.E only (available from school from £14.00)
- rucksack/backpack (available from school from £11.00)